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Re: KDE-Debian HowTo

Sorry for the delay in my reply.

On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 01:44:19AM -0800, tluxt wrote:
> apt-cache show vigr
> W: Unable to locate package vigr
> What is vigr?  How does one get it?

It is part of passwd and installed on all systems.  You probably didn't
notice because it will only be in your path when you are root.   But the man
page would have been available on your system:

$ man vigr
       vipw and vigr will edit the files /etc/passwd and /etc/group, respectively. 
       The programs will set the appropriate locks to prevent
       file corruption.

If you know the name of a file and are looking for the package that contains
it, you can find it using one of these methods:

1. Go to http://packages.debian.org and enter the filename in section
'Search the contents of packages'.  Probably the best way of looking for a
file in a package you don't have installed and with an internet connection.

2. Quite often I'm looking for the package that installed something I have
already (vigr would have fallen into this category).  For this, I use
dlocate, which you get by installing package dlocate.  Very fast, because it
builds a cache during the daily cron job.

3. apt-file probably would do what you want, but it's not completely mature
yet.  I can't use it yet due to bug #128850.

> Is "grep-available" a package you think most KDE users would want to use?
> What does it do?  And, how could I have found out on my own the info to
> answer that question by myself?

Well, it's one of the package cache searching utilities, similar to
apt-cache search but you can search in all fields, not just the package name
and description.  I'm not sure it's particularly something to recomend
because it's a command-line tool, but I guess it depends on what you intend
the scope of your document to be.  I mentioned it more as a help to you than
expecting you to include it in a user guide.

If you want to mention something which is more at a user level, you could
mention the fact that you do similar searches from within aptitude.  In
this case, you can search for packages that depend on kdebase by typing


in aptitude.


Chris Halls | Frankfurt, Germany

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