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Re: devfsd and kde

On Sun, 9 Dec 2001 19:59, Alan Chandler wrote:
> I am struggling a bit with devfsd and could do with some help

Firstly this isn't really a KDE issue, you could have the same problem using 
GNOME or using command line tools.  I suggest that debian-kde be removed from 
follow-up in future discussion.

> When kde starts up it complains that it can't find /dev/dsp at the point
> where it normally plays the little "I have started up" music sequence
> (prior to that, when the sound card was compiled into the kernel and the
> /dev directory was hardcoded - I got sound out without any problem)

Create a new file /etc/modutils/mysound containing something like the 
alias /dev/sound sound-module

Also whatever else needs to be loaded.  Then run "update-modules".  Then in 
the devfsd compatibility file make sure that you enable compatibility links 
for ^sound/.* (if you don't have the default settings to enable them for 

The default devfsd settings alias /dev/dsp (and all other sound devices) to 

> somewhere.  However I did this, and it didn't seem to solve anything

It already does modloads for unknown modules by default.  Your problem is 
that modutils doesn't know what to do when it sees /dev/dsp or /dev/sound 
listed as a module name.

> Question 2 should not the standard debian distribution be doing whatever is
> needed for me

Unless the standard Debian distribution could know what type of sound card 
you have this is not possible...

I suggest that future questions about Debian devfs be sent to debian-user and 
CC'd to me (I'm the Debian maintainer for devfsd).

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