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frustration with konsole and foreground/background colors

I've spent a day wrestling with this problem, and I've exhausted my

What I want to do is mind-numbingly simple, at least with kvt and
xterm:  set the default foreground and background colors of a session
upon startup.  I want the colors to be different, depending on the
session I start up.

Yet, I can't seem to get it to work in konsole.  No matter what I try,
konsole automatically starts with the default schema stored in
konsolerc, and then I have to manually change the schema to get the
color I want.

Here's what I tried:

1.  konsole --foreground 'blue' (from command line).  No dice -- konsole
doesn't seem to recognize the Qt options (I tried other qt options, such
as '--title', with no luck).

2.  In file "blue-konsole.desktop", I added the line
"Schema=Blue.schema".  I put Blue.schema both in my
~/.kde/share/apps/konsole directory and in /usr/share/apps/konsole, and
I tried modifying the line 'Schema' in blue-konsole.desktop to point to
absolute paths.  Still no luck.  konsole seems to ignore the Schema line
in the .desktop file.  (I also tried launching it with the linux.desktop
file included in /usr/share/apps/konsole, with the same results:
konsole ignores the 'Schema' line).

I don't know if this has anything to do with problem in attempt 1, but
here's the error I get everytime I start konsole (with or without qt
QObject::connect: Cannot connect KAction::activated() to Konsole::(null)

No other errors appear.

Is there anything else I can do?  Is there some undocumented
command-line option where I can tell konsole which konsolerc file to

Here's my environment:

Debian potato (with Linux kernel 2.2.17)
KDE package upgraded yesterday, from ftp://tdyc.kde.com:
Qt: 2.3.0
KDE: 2.1.2
Konsole: 1.0.1

I use xdm as my desktop manager, and launch kde from my .xsession file.

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Scott Prater
Dpto. Desarrollo de Servicios y Proyectos

Av. Primado Reig, 189 entlo.
46020 Valencia - Spain
Tel. (+34) 96 332 12 00 x2044
Fax. (+34) 96 332 12 01

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