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Shared libs, moduledir

I'm somewhat confused by all the places where shared libs (can) go. The 
KDE debs put some (all? or only "modules"?) shared libs in 
/usr/lib/kde2. KDE tarballs and projects created with KDevelop to put 
them in /usr/local/lib/kde2.

My /etc/ld.so.conf contains neither /usr/lib/kde2 nor 
/usr/local/lib/kde2, but the libs in the former directory are found 
nevertheless. Libs in the later directory aren't found, even after I 
added it to /etc/ld.so.conf (and ran ldconfig).

I'm somewhat confused, I must admit. Apparently, my understanding of 
dynamic linking, among other things, is lacking. :-(


Michael Schuerig                   GPG Fingerprint
mailto:schuerig@acm.org            DA28 7DEB 5856 3365 BED9
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