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How to change usable desktop area?

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I have GKrellM [1] open all the time, in fact two copies when I'm online (one 
from another machine). I'd like to have it always visible, but don't want to 
set it always on top as it would obscure a fairly large region of other 
windows, especially when I have two of them.

I currently use the kicker extension "Dock Application Bar" on the right-hand 
edge of the screen, which sets a "strut" in the window manager so maximised 
windows will stay off that edge of the screen, where I can then put GKrellM. 
This works very well except a few brain damaged apps, notably most Java Swing 
apps I've seen so far, seem to set themselves dockable and thus try and 
squeeze themselves into a square on this docking bar.

And so (finally, sorry this is so long) to my questions: is there a better 
way to do this? Some other means of setting a strut, beyond coding something 
specially for the purpose? I would be prepared to write something; would 
anyone else here find a plain "strut" kicker extension or app useful?

Or (before someone else says it) do you all think I should just not maximise 
windows and go get a life? =)

[1] GKrellM is basically a column-shaped system monitor with plugins to do a 
_lot_ of other stuff, see http://gkrellm.net/

- -- 
Chris Boyle - Winchester College - http://archives.wincoll.ac.uk/
ICQ: 24151961 - PGP: http://archives.wincoll.ac.uk/finger.php?q=chrisb
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