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Re: packaging updates/changes/customization for woody's release

On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 01:02:03AM -0600, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:

> I'd like all of you who have done some sort of customization of your KDE
> installations to look over it and figure out what bits would be good for
> Debian.  What parts would enhance the KDE default installation.  What

My vote goes on configuring /usr/share/applnk as config files, so that they
don't get clobbered by an upgrade. (i.e. moving them to /etc/kde2/applnk or

I like to configure file extensions and associations globally, so each new
user can start XMMS with *.ogg, mplayer/aviplay for *.avi (not the KDE
player), mswordview for *.doc, gvim for *.tex, and so on. 

The other solution would be to provide default applnk files in /etc/skel,
but I think that is a kludge. For now I have symlinked /usr/share/applnk to
/etc/kde2/applnk but that's a kludge IMHO, and I don't know if it breaks
the next update.

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