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KDE application startup question


this is not directly Debian related, but I'll chance it :-)

How do I tell KDE to start an application in the same directory where the
file it is supposed to open is saved?

I.e. I have associated *.tex with GVim. I click on a TeX file, and GVim
starts, but when I compile the .tex file, the .dvi etc. files are always
created in my home directory, because GVim's $PWD doesn't change along with
the opened file.

I know I can change this (and I have) with GVim, but I don't know about all
the other applications. 

Can you somehow put a macro like %p in the "working directory" field in the
menu editor? I've tried, but it doesn't seem to work right. What macros
(%u, %p, %f, etc) are there anyway?


Jens Benecke                            > "Dann nimm lieber gleich Pattex!"
                "Na, ob das was hilft - der Hersteller ist schließlich eine 
             Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung :-)" (-- aus dem Usenet)
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