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Re: "dcopserver" broke my computer

On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 10:13:05AM -0600, Glenn Murray wrote:
[login problem]

> - Install and reboot.  A nice KDE login screen comes up.  However, I am
> unable to login:  I get an error message "Could not read network
> connection list /home/glenn/.DCOPserver...:0 Is the dcopserver program
> running?" or somesuch.
> - But I can login as root!  I can choose either KDE on Gnome and they
> both seem to work fine.

So it's a configuraion issue probably. Test this: create another user
account (e.g. "test") and try logging in as that account. If that works,
it's your home directory configuration. Permissions? Can KDE create a file
.DCOPserver....etc in your home? Is there enough space available, and can
root write in that directory (this is NOT always the case, like in NFS

Then, try deleting or moving away 

	.Xauthority	# gets recreated anyway
	.xinitrc	# custom X session - might be the problem
	.Xsession*	# ditto, plus error logs
	.wmrc		# preferred window manager
	.DCOP*		# KDE application communications files
	.mcop*		# ditto

and try logging in again. (restart KDM after deleting the files, just to be

If it still doesn't work, look into .Xsession-errors (yes, the file you
just deleted ;), that's where most X programs write their logs.

Jens Benecke                   "Und deshalb sollte man ja auch immer _alle_
                                 Editoren installieren:  XEmacs _und_ Vim."
				                             -- Sven Guckes
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