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Re: quanta while using 2.2

Okay, the new quanta release is in incoming.. please let me know if the 
problem persists (ak, I sound like I'm flogging paracetamol..).



Ben Burton (benb@acm.org)

Director of Training
Australian Informatics Olympiad Committee

Just because people don't know their myths and hardly read anymore,
does it mean I'm cryptic or does it mean we're just very uneducated as
far as our word paints. Our pallets are like four colors now. We're back
to red, blue and what's the other one? See what I'm saying. I do feel 
that if it's not three-dimensional and so tangible that it can work 
with Riki Lake and Jerry Springer then people think the writers aren't
making sense. To me, the audience isn't making sense. I feel half the audience
is working on a McDonald's mentality-and I have no problem with the french
fries. They're all over my thighs. Left, right and center, they're 
find them if we ever wind up in a coffin together. But I do feel like I'm
encouraging college students to stretch. You all have a responsibility
to understand your writers rather then rolling your eyes and concluding
they're not making sense. Or maybe you're just a dingbat.
	- Tori Amos

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