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Re: kde.tdyc.com down?

> I just did an  to apt-get update.  It doesn't seem to be responding.

The following message was posted to this list a few days ago:

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: kde.debian.net and mirroring
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 21:05:30 -0700
From: "Ivan E. Moore II" <rkrusty@tdyc.com>
To: debian-kde@lists.debian.org

Ok...well my friend who's hosting kde.tdyc.com/kde.debian.net has put
in his notice and is leaving the job...and thus the box has to find a new
home.  So this leaves a few options...

the site is mirrored out to several sites now so it's not like it's a big
hit to everyone..just means people will have to change their sources file
and point to a mirror.

So...I'm not sure exactly where I"m going to shove the box yet...I can
host the files at one place..but it can't be publically accessable...I might
be able to allow mirrors to hit it tho...I'm trying to research this.

The other option is that one of the mirror sites would volunteer to become
the master site.  This would require allowing myself and Rick Cook access
to the box to upload and manage the files we upload.

I'm not sure how much longer the box will be around...probably at least till
sometime next week.  I'm working on getting the rest of my updates uploaded
then I'll mirror it off to my backup site...and ISO's will also be made
during that time.

so the data is not getting lost...it just may be on hold. :)

Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD


Ben Burton (benb@acm.org)

Director of Training
Australian Informatics Olympiad Committee

A handful of lovers and loved ones, fighting shoulder to shoulder, could
rout a whole army.  For a lover to be seen by his beloved forsaking the
ranks or throwing away his weapons would be unbearable.  He would rather
a thousand times die than be so humiliated.
	- Plato, The Symposium (4th century BC)

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