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Re: Conflicts

> Also kdbg for some reason want to remove qt 2.3 and install qt2.2.

Have you got installed libqt2.2_2.3?  This package does nothing but fulfil 
2.2 dependencies until packages like kdbg have been rebuilt.

Since libqt2.2_2.3 exists and since I feel I'm on the verge of overloading my 
sponsor with other things, I have put rebuilding kdbg/quanta/kprof/etc off 
until either I get through the NM queue or until my sponsor has more time.  
If anyone wants to offer to sponsor in my KDE packages (there's six of them, 
three tiny, one medium, two gigantic) I'll edit them (re: edit the 
changelogs) so they can be rebuilt for the new libqt2.



Ben Burton (benb@acm.org)

Director of Training
Australian Informatics Olympiad Committee

Paradoxically though it may seem, it is none the less true that life
imitates art far more than art imitates life.
	- Oscar Wilde

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