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work needing help with

Here is a small list of things others can work on if they want to...

  1:  *dm integration

      In case the *proper* fix for handling other desktop managers doesn't 
get worked out prior to woody's release (and as well for current potato 
users) we need to have information on each of the other dm's as to how we
add/remove kde2 to their listing.  gdm and wdm both have selection lists
(like kdm does) and I just need to have a way of adding and removing /usr/bin/kde2 to that list.

  2:  menu integration

    Getting rid of the Debian subdir from within the KDE menu has been on
a wishlist for quite some time.  If someone figures a way to do this cleanly
and integrate Debian's menu system with KDE's that would be great.  One idea
was using kappfinder's facility...

  3:  bug reporting tool tweaks...

    I've done some of the work so far..but I'd like a way to add more information to the bug reports (debian specific).  As with bug and reportbug I'd like
the ability to send along with the bug report the version information of all
related pacakges.

hmmm...that's it so far..I know there's other stuff..but I'm brain farting..

Ivan E. Moore II
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