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A couple of problems - kpackage/woody


I have been using KDE with Debian for some time now. I am currently
using the KDE packages available on Debian Woody (unstable).

For a while now (about a month) Kpackage has stopped working. Any
attempt to Uninstall or Purge a package merely shows a requestor with
"Kprocess failure". I see nothing in .xsesion-errors to give me any
clues as to why it fails, except the usual unable to open a nonexistent
library, but nearly every app causes that error. I keep upgrading my
local Debian KDE as I see new packages uploaded to Debian, but as yet
Kpackage remains broken.

Also, Kpackage seems to have a real problem reading
/var/lib/dpkg/available, it mangles up the file while importing and the
package list becomes unusable within Kpackage. I thought
/var/lib/dpkg/available would be usable.

Of less importance, in the Look and Feel - System Notifications - The
KDE Window Manager, it appears I can configure sounds for things like
window resizing, minimize, maximize etc etc (and they work), but when I
add a sound to "Virtual Desktop One is Selected" (or desktop 2, 3 or 4
etc) the sound never plays when changing desktops. However it does work
when "tested" within the Look and Feel configuration window.

Well 3 is a request :)  KSunffle has a version suitable for KDE2 out
now. If you (or anyone) wants to make a deb out of it I would appreciate
it :)  Yes, I tried to install from the source, but am hopeless with
makefiles and configure.. seems I can never get the paths right to libs,
includes etc and there's always an "/opt/kde..." path straying somewhere
in these distributed sources.

And thanks for the good work over the years Ivan, I am a grateful user
of your Debian KDE packages from KDE1 on tdyc.com


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