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Re: Modifying the menu for Kids.

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* giovedì 24 aprile 2003, alle 13:17, Michelle Konzack scrive:
> I was thinking about a 'mkmenu' script which can called with a parameter
> First I like to create a config-file which defines profiles like:
> # mkmake.profile 
> office  <package1> <package2> <package3> <package4> <package5> <package6> 
> jr-10   <package1> <package2> <package3> 
> jr-14   <package1> <package2> <package3> <package4> 
> Then I like to call 'mkmenu' with 
> mkmenu <profile>
> and it will check, if a package specified in the mkmenu.profile is 
> present in the /var/lib/menu diectory and then it if YES, it will be
> added and moved into the ~/.menu folder
> It can be done easyly with a BASH-Script
> Sorry, but curently I am very sick because a Kidneyfail and can not 
> work on it, but I like to hear from you

I don't see how can this solve the problem I'm having. I mean the fact
that I make changes (add or substitute a ~/.menu/<package> file with an
empty ~/.menu/<package> file so as to give a non existant menu entry) to
the ~/.menu directory don't seem to have any effedt on my user menus.

The ways that I can obtain the modifications (that you suggest I seem to
understand) is another story.

Do you know why I the update-menus binary seems to ignore modifications
I make in the ~/.menu/ directory of the users?

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