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Re: Debian Jr. -- How are we doing?

On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, Ben Armstrong wrote:

> The first is to provide the admin with a way to enforce in their security
> policy access to a certain pool of resources with the group.  The precedent
> in Debian is "games".  However, adding members to the "games" group has
> always been the responsibility of the admin.  I'm not sure we should have a
> config script do that automatically.  Or if we do, we at least need to give
> the admin the option of not taking advantage of the group admin feature of
> the config script (and likely establish this as the default).

(throwing my two cents in here)

Personally, and I know this makes most of the technically minded sysadmins 
out there like me cringe, but I think Debian Jr. would benefit 
/more/ by having an option such as this turned on (i.e., users are added to 
appropriate groups by default) and let more savvy admins who want this 
differently be able to turn it off.

My logic is that two of the places that would benefit from Debian Jr. the 
most are 1) schools and 2) in the home. In both places, you are less 
likely to have people technically-savvy enough to understand the whole 
group-permission concept, let alone know where to look and how to fix it.

In schools this is a big problem because most (and this excludes the OSEF 
guys, of course ;-) school sysadmins are really just teachers who 
underwent a week or two of "computer skills" training and /really/ do not 
have the aptitude to learn more on their own. In situations like this, the 
more simple you can make it, the better.

Sam Hart
University/Work addr. <hart@physics.arizona.edu>
Personal addr. <criswell@geekcomix.com>

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