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Lintian Override for OSGi classpath in Freeplane?


while repackaging Freeplane, I noticed that there a few new Lintian checks in regard to Java...

I had first the warning:

W: freeplane: classpath-contains-relative-path usr/share/freeplane/core/org.freeplane.core/lib/freeplaneeditor.jar: ../ freeplaneeditor.jar freeplaneviewer.jar freeplanemac.jar commons-lang-2.0.jar forms-1.0.5.jar jortho.jar gnu-regexp-1.1.4.jar SimplyHTML.jar

Then I patched away the Class-path, and got:

W: freeplane: missing-classpath libcommons-lang-java, libjgoodies-forms-java, libbatik-java, libxerces2-java, libxml-commons-external-java, libjaxp1.3-java, libjlatexmath-java, libknopflerfish-osgi-framework-java, libjortho-freeplane-java

Two issues with this:

1. the help message to classpath-contains-relative-path could more explicitly state what the resolution is or isn't (in this case, NOT remove the classpath BUT use absolute path).
I can log a (minor) bug for this one if you want. Against lintian I guess?

2. my actual problem is that the classpath is actually not needed by Freeplane because it uses Knopflerfish / OSGi framework which resolves itself dependencies based on /usr/share/freeplane/core/org.freeplane.core/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (and to make it even more fun, anyway doesn't accept absolute paths, already tried).
Sounds to me like a case for a Lintian override, any other opinion?

Thanks, Eric

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