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packaging libjai-imageio-java (was: Re: Hint needed for packaging library using maven)

On 04/13/2011 09:07 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> tony mancill <tony@mancill.com> writes:
>> The bit that I was concerned about is the fifth paragraph below - I
>> thought there was an issue with uploading software to the archive when
>> export restrictions exist (or at least if the DD is bound by United
>> States export laws).  There used to be many of these "ITAR"-style
>> restrictions floating about, but I don't recall the last time I saw one.
> We should be okay on this these days.  Debian has a system where it
> registers all software that we upload for export, which is all that's
> required now for free software.

Russ, Thank you for the response and setting me straight on the terms of this
sort of license.  That clears up most of the source files in jai-imageio.

Andreas, there are still some remaining issues related to packaging this library
for Debian that I'm wading through.  The first is that the upstream source tree
contains a codec library that carries a separate license [1] and is distributed
as a binary jar only, clibwrapper_jiio.jar, and wraps a binary distribution of
JPEG2000 (for which the JAI source include binary-only .so files for just a few
architectures).  This makes me think that it would be better to implement the
interface provided clibwrapper_jiio.jar to wrap something that's available on
all (or at least more) architectures (perhaps the libopenjpeg2 package?) or find
a pure Java implementation.

The second issue is that this module in turn depends on jai_core.jar, which has
its own set of licenses to navigate, including the JDL [2], JRL [3], and a
couple others [4][5] that we'll need to iron out.  Furthermore, the jai-core
source tree itself contains a binary distribution of the mediaLib wrapper jar
and .so modules for a few architectures of that library.  (I believe this is
where the recursion stops... :)


[2] http://java.net/projects/jai-core/sources/svn/content/trunk/LICENSE-JDL.txt
[3] http://java.net/projects/jai-core/sources/svn/content/trunk/LICENSE-JRL.txt
[4] http://java.net/projects/jai-core/sources/svn/content/trunk/LICENSE-jaispec.txt

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