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Re: Latest sun java5 packages

Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Hello,
> Some time ago it was decided that the sun java 5 packages should be removed from the archives (EOL) 
> and now they have.
> But I have a requirement (work) for the various sun-java5-* packages and I know that 1.5.0_20 was 
> uploaded to the archives some time ago, since it's installed on my system, but they are now removed 
> from the archives (and apparently I did aptitude autoclean a bit too much, so they're also gone from 
> apt's cache).
> I know that the _17 packages are still in the repositories for Lenny, but if it is possible I'd like 
> to have the _20 packages.
> Can someone help me get those _20 packages and preferably for both i386 and amd64? 
> Then I can put them in my own archive (or sth like that) and still use them.

The raw data for them is at http://jdk-distros.dev.java.net.

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