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Re: How do you handle overlapping jar-packages?

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 12:40:55PM -0300, Florian Grandel wrote:
> Hi Java-Experts,
> just a quick question: In building JBoss I encounter a lot of jars that  
> do (partially) overlap. I didn't find anything about how to deal with  
> this in the Java or Debian policy. (Hope I am not just missing 
> something!)
> To give two representative examples:
> client and server application jar:
> - one jar contains base classes + server classes
> - another jar contains base classes + client classes
> connector jars:
> - a host of different jars that all contain a few connector base classes  
> and then connector specific (e.g. JDBC-specific) classes.
> The rationale is obvious: If you are doing a slim client application you  
> don't want to install many unnecessary server classes. But you'll  
> probably need some common infrastructure classes.
> I could simply do a client and a server package now. Or one package for  
> each connector. This however does not fit well into the Debian  
> "jar-sharing" concept as we would like to avoid having to maintain  
> different versions of the same (base) classes across different packages.  
> I think Debian usually assumes that jars are "atomic" installation units  
> that do not overlap.
> What do you recommend in this situation?

I would do it as upstream does it. This doesnt confuse users as that is
what they know from upstream. We had enough problems when our jars were
too mich different from upstream in the past.


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