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Subversion migration complete


I just completed the Subversion migration. You can checkout the trunk of
the new repository with a command like:

   svn co 'svn+ssh://<username>@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk' pkg-java

The branches and tags can be obtained similarly by changing trunk to
tags and branches. The entire repository can be browsed online at:


As previously announced, the new directory layout is:

   pkg-java / trunk / <package-name>
              tags / <tag-name> / <package-name>
              branches / <branch-name> / <package-name>

All of the branches and tags have been imported from the CVS repository;
I just didn't have the courage to delete any of the tags. Of course if
you see a tag that you know doesn't matter in a package you care about,
delete away.

Commit emails should be sent to
pkg-java-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org, as previously.

Please let me know if anything looks awry.


No soggy brushes
In your grip
You've always
Got a
Finger tip

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