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Re: No jre/bin in free-java-sdk package

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Grzegorz B. Prokopski wrote:
| Did you actually hit a program that requires these tools in jre/bin and
| does not work with free-java-sdk otherwise, or you just noticed that
| these tools were "missing"?
| This way or another please file a bugreport so that it didn't get lost.
~    Thanks to both Arnaud and yourself.  This is filed as bug report

I ran into a problem when trying to manually launch a Tomcat 4.1.30
instance using fjsdk, where the following error was reported by the
catalina.sh script:

# bin/catalina.sh start
The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
This environment variable is needed to run this program

~   This occurs with JAVA_HOME and PATH set as follows:

# echo $JAVA_HOME
# echo $PATH

~   What made me think of the jre/bin directory was remembering an
OpenOffice bug that used to occur when you had a JRE whose mappings
didn't strictly follow the setup of the Sun JDKs; I can't even remember
it anymore, we had discussed on the FreeBSD Java list long ago.  So, I
took a look at an x86 Windows JDK and the IBM PPC-32 JDK and noticed the
difference between their structure and that of fjsdk.  I have not looked
through the catalina.sh script just yet to see what produces that
message; I believe the directory structure and my present Tomcat 4 issue
are only indirectly related.

- --
Barry Hawkins
All Things Computed
site: www.alltc.com
weblog: www.yepthatsme.com

Registered Linux User #368650
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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