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Re: Java Policy.

On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 10:09:14PM -0700, T. Alexander Popiel wrote:
*SNIP* (my own things)

> I'm rather new with debian, and don't know much about debian
> packaging.  As such, I may be misinterpreting some of the
> references in the Policy... but some things seem a tad off
> to me.
> Other people have already mentioned the distinction between
> Java the programming language and Java bytecode.  I won't
> bother reiterating what they've already said.


> In Chapter 4 (Advice to Java packagers), there is a comment
> that dh_strip and dh_shlibdeps are meaningless for Java.
> This seems patently false in the case of a compile-to-native
> environment like gcj.  Even in the case of compiling to
> bytecode, the concept of stripping the executable still holds,
> since there's line number tables and local symbol tables and
> suchlike in the .class files that can be safely removed in
> a strip-like fashion.  (I don't know if dh_strip is only for
> the actual 'strip' program which removes diagnostic data
> from object files and executables, or if it's a more generic
> category for the concept of removing such data.  I need to
> learn more about this.)

Well the concept of stop and shlibdeps is perfectly accurate for
java. But the tools (at least to my knowledge) do not handle
it, so that is why it is not useful. Someone correct me if
I'm wrong.

> Lastly, if you're willing to put up with someone just learning
> about how to do debian packaging, I suspect I could write
> a dependency-finding dh_java.  I've been working with Java

That have been on my TODO for some time.

> dependency analysis off and on for about 3 years now, and have
> a few tools which can probably be adapted to fit.  If you think

> this would be a good idea, then it would be helpful if you'd
> point me in the right direction for learning about debian
> packaging and the interface requirements for dh_java.

That would be just great. Essentially what a dh_javadeps tool
should do is write a line to $(sourcedir)/debian/$(packagename).substvars
with the package dependencies. The packagenames can be extracted
from debian/control (only useful for architecture all?).

The jars (should be) is placed in /usr/share/java
(and it can be multiple versions in there). You can search
for a corresponding package using
dpkg -S /usr/share/java/$(filename)

Such a tool will be a great help for java packagers.


// Ola

> - Alex
> PS. Feel free to forward this to debian-java if you like. :-)

Did that now.

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