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Re: ma ubuntu..........

Ciao Manlio,
e cordiali saluti a tutti i partecipanti alla lista ....

On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 09:19:55PM +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
> Attenzione, in realtà Linux (e gli altri S.O. OpenSource) semplicemente
> non sono *certificate ufficialmente* POSIX.
> Il solito problema delle certificazioni...
Sono d'accordo, pero' nelle FAQ Debian ci sono anche altre
specificazioni interessanti ....

Riporto le FAQ del 1997 che riguardano proprio la Ceritifcazione POSIX:

4.2 How source code compatible is Debian with other Unix systems?

   For most applications Linux source code is compatible with other Unix
   systems. It supports almost everything that is available in System V
   Unix systems and the free and commercial BSD- derived systems. However
   in the Unix business such claim has nearly no value because there is
   no way to prove it. In the software development area complete
   compatibility is required instead of compatibility in "about most"
   cases. So years ago the need for standards arose, and nowadays POSIX.1
   (IEEE Standard 1003.1-1990) is one of the major standards for source
   code compatibility in Unix-like operating systems.
   Linux is intended to adhere to POSIX.1, but the POSIX standards cost
   real money and the POSIX.1 (and FIPS 151-2) certification is quite
   expensive; this made it more difficult for the Linux developers to
   work on complete POSIX conformance. The certification costs make it
   unlikely that Debian will get an official conformance certification
   even if it completely passed the validation suite. (The validation
   suite is now freely available, so it is expected that more people 
   will work on POSIX.1 issues.)
   Unifix GmbH (Braunschweig, Germany) developed a Linux system that has
   been certified to conform to FIPS 151-2 (a superset of POSIX.1). This
   technology is available in Unifix' own distribution called Unifix
   Linux 2.0 and in Lasermoon's Linux-FT. Currently Unifix merges its
   patches into the Linux kernel, gcc and other tools; so it is expected
   that their fixes towards POSIX.1 conformance will be available in
   Debian (and other distributions).


Lettura interessante vero? .... :-)

Au Revoir
Hugh Hartmann

 ... Linux, Windows Xp ed MS-DOS 
     (anche conosciuti come il Bello, il Brutto ed il Cattivo).   
     -- Matt Welsh


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