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Re: expect

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 01:18:00PM +0200, walter valenti wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/expect
> log_user 1
> spawn rsync  -r -c -l --progress  /home/walter/zippati/ walter@sole:zippati
> expect "password"
> send "mia_password\r"

non so come risolvere il tuo problema, ma ci sono delle alternative.
da man rsync:

Some paths on the remote server  may  require  authentica­
tion.  If  so then you will receive a password prompt when
you connect. You can avoid the password prompt by  setting
the  environment  variable  RSYNC_PASSWORD to the password
you want to use or using the --password-file option.  This
may be useful when scripting rsync.


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