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Re: Server with two ISPs and multiple IPs

Ing. Otto Marroquin a écrit :
> Whats in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables  ?

I did as Alex suggested and simplified my tables. I now only have two
tables (one per ISP). I think that I was right in suspecting an arp
cache problem somewhere on my LAN because about an hour ago the server
started responding to requests without any intervention on my part.

gfk@lb2:~$ cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
# reserved values
255     local
254     main
253     default
0       unspec
# local
#1      inr.ruhep
200     isp1
211     isp2
gfk@lb2:~$ ip route list table main
c.d.57.160/27 dev eth2  proto kernel  scope link  src c.d.57.186
a.b.200.0/24 dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src a.b.200.226 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
default via a.b.200.1 dev eth1
gfk@lb2:~$ ip route list table isp1
a.b.200.0/24 dev eth1  scope link  src a.b.200.226
default via a.b.200.1 dev eth1
gfk@lb2:~$ ip route list table isp2
c.d.57.160/27 dev eth1  scope link  src c.d.57.186
default via c.d.57.161 dev eth2
gfk@lb2:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
 address a.b.200.226
 post-up ip route add a.b.200.0/24 dev eth1 src a.b.200.226 table isp1
 post-up ip route add default via a.b.200.1 table isp1
 post-up ip rule add from a.b.200.0/24 table isp1
 post-down ip rule del from a.b.200.0/24 table isp1

auto eth1:0
iface eth1:0 inet static
 address a.b.200.227

auto eth2
iface eth2 inet static
 address c.d.57.186
 post-up ip route add c.d.57.160/27 dev eth1 src c.d.57.186 table isp2
 post-up ip route add default via c.d.57.161 table isp2
 post-up ip rule add from c.d.57.160/27 table isp2
 post-down ip rule del from c.d.57.160/27 table isp2

auto eth2:0
iface eth2:0 inet static
 address c.d.57.172

auto eth2:1
iface eth2:1 inet static
 address c.d.57.166

I'll do more tests tomorrow, but it looks like everything is working
fine now, thanks a lot for your support guys!

Guillaume Filion

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