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Re: debian 3.1 and proftpd server for my isp company help required

Use http://vhcs.net and all your problems will disappear (http, ftp, mail, pop, imap, webmail, quota, management, etc) !!! (Donate $100 to help them too!!)


Just a tip. Edit vhcs.sh from siemens-mobiles and remove any line that change the source.list's apt file (I put a # in front of 10 o more lines). It use testing and make a lot o disaster in a stable debian configuration. Just put some nice apt source before you begin installation (use apt-setup) and then replace any 'testing' for 'stable' in /etc/apt/source.list


Oh!! Use a clean Debian installation before you start sh vhcs.sh ( and, very important, before that do a apt-update; apt-upgrade)




note: Just 1 server, no multi server configuration.


----- Original Message -----
From: Radhika
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: debian 3.1 and proftpd server for my isp company help required

Hi ,
 Thanks for you help
1)I am planning to give a fake shell as you menction in my proftpd.conf file just remove the comment under RequireVaildShell off line it should work as i understand is that correct.

2)I am planning to hide the message when i try to ftp server name
Connected to
220 ProFTPD 1.2.10 Server (Debian) []
User (

 How do i do that?.
3)once i created apache,proftp server my support group need to create the users using any GUI tool is there any tool to create the users for ftp,webspace and limit the quota / user please help me is there any GUI tool for this .
 I am really appriciate whoever is helping for my crucial project.
Best regards

Erik Dörnbach <doernbach@elge.de> wrote:

> 1)Create a separate group for this ftpusers

That's more to the system itself, don't your customers already have a group of their own? If not, they should, use that group on 2) for example.

> 2)These users should login in to their home directory other
> than that nothing should see

Basically you just need the directive

"DefaultRoot ~" (~ means home directory, like "cd ~" in shell)

in your proftpd.conf. It's possible to implement more magic, as proftpd understands ACLs. Also, I used

"DefaultRoot ~ !staff" (the "!" negates the following object.)

which means, all users are bound to their home directory except those in the group staff.

> 3)If i want to remove the shell access for all these users
> how to configure proftpd.conf file

As in 1) - nothing to do with proftpd itself. I us ally don't give a valid shell in /etc/passwd like /bin/noshell or the like. Also, noone should be able to get a shell to your system anyway except physically at the console. For instance you can define who's allowed to ssh to your machine and the like.

> 4)Security how to configure this in proftps.conf

Never done myself, sorry.

> I read the documents but i didn't understand fully.

I think the proftpd.conf is pretty good commented, also I think there was a good document on proftpd somewhere in the debian manuals section.

Best regards,


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