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Re: Legal aspects of greylisting in Europe

On Sa, 4.12.2004, 21:20, Christian Hammers wrote:
> So I would assume storing the greylist-triple it's neccessary (->1) for
greylistd which is part of "the mail server". You need to collect the
greylist tripels only until the mail has been received for the second
and final time.

No, that's not the original proposed kind of greylisting.
After the first message would be accepted within(!) the open window of
suggested 1 - 4 hours after initial trial it should be
whitelisted for about one month.
So the effect would be, that succeeding messages fitting the triple would
be relayed without any delay.

By the way I see also no problem with actual laws in Europe.
(But I'm also no lawyer! ;)


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