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Re: Unstable server

On Wednesday 14 March 2001 18:56, pf@csite.com wrote:
> Hey,
> What happends is that the system suddenly has used all memory, and
> therefore in turn dies with those awfull messages on the console. But the
> weirdest thing, was when it restartet itself, with an broken ext2
> partition... kernel oops/panics don't reboot unless you set the timeout
> specific (or am I wrong?).


I'd check my ram if i were you. Therefore you can use Memtest86 - 

See http://rick.vanrein.org/linux/badram/index.html and 
http://webrum.uni-mannheim.de/math/schmoigl/linux/howto/BadRAM-HOWTO.html if 
you want to be able to use your bad RAM - it works great !

Francis "Dexter" Gois                    - mailto : fg@tiscali.be
System & Network Administrator           -  Tiscali Belgium NV/SA
Keep the Internet Free with Tiscalinet   -     phone: +3224000839 
http://www.tiscalinet.be/                -       fax: +3224000899

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