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Re: virtual hosting methods

On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 12:30:41AM +0200, Martin 'pisi' Paljak wrote:

> Actually there is a very nice and nifty feature in apache 1.3.19+ (or was
> it 20+) that allows an include filename to be a directory what will
> include all directories and subdirs of the named direcotry, 
> and load all files in those dirs as config files.

Ah, so each vhost could have it's own file in a 'vhost' directory..
interesting, and perhaps much less dangerous than a single file...

Mind you I wrote that shell script to work with 1.3.9 from potato...

> For simple masshosting I still suggest mod_vhost.

This is not something I'm even aware of! I'll have to look into it :)



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