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Re: PostFix question

On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Luc MAIGNAN wrote:

> I use postfix as MTA for several web-sites, and I want to allow the address 
> 'contact' available for each site : for example, contact@site1, contact@site2 
> and contact@site3.

Not enough information:

Is this "contact" one mailbox or three unique people?

> But it doesn't work. Anyone has an idea ?

What is "it"? You haven't told use what you have tried.

Maybe this webpage can help:
 Setting up Postfix with virtual domains support 
(I compiled these, but have not tested.)

Good luck.

If you have more questions, tell us in detail what you have tried and
exactly what results you need.

Also, please consider sharing what ends up working for you.

  Jeremy C. Reed
     ISP-FAQ.com -- find answers to your questions

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