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True MaxLoad of Apache

Fellow Debian Hackers, ISP's, Crackers and other adicts:

Where can I find some information on the maximum hits a particular combination of OS/Apache, can take...how does it scale, what are the best ways to messure performance.

I think this is very important and most of the ISP's probably have a lot of information on the matter since many of you already have apache clusters working and one needs to know how many machines to put up to the work for an expected number
of users.

A whitepaper would be best, two or more would be even better ;)


P.S.: So -you see- it is useless to try to hide information from me, im in your mind already---> Your NEED to tell me, you WANT to tell me, can you feel the craving to share?...Yessssss (sound like gollum's yesssssss).....come my precious my little precious...share thy wisssdom.... :)

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