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IPv6 Icecast-server

Hi all

I packed a IPv6 enables IceCast server. If you are interested you can grab
it here:


Is there a possibility that such packets get included in the IPv6

Best regards


     _;\_    Matthias Cramer                System & Network Manager
    /_.  \   Dolphins Network Systems AG    Phone +41-1-847'45'45
   |/ -\ .)  Libernstrasse 24               Fax   +41-1-847'45'49
 -'^`-   \;  CH-8112 Otelfingen             http://www.dolphins.ch/
GnuPG 1024D/2D208250 = DBC6 65B6 7083 1029 781E  3959 B62F DF1C 2D20 8250

Attachment: pgplfoLD7epb_.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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