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Re: Simple Question: which Kernel I should use

Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com> [2003-02-03 12:11:21 -0700]:
> w.ruehaak@gga-hannover.de ("R?haak, Wolfram") writes:
> > vmlinuz-2.4.17-itanium-smp
> > is this kernel OK for my system?
> It's "ok", but not great.  A lot of problems have been fixed since 2.4.17...
> My suggested recipe right now is woody, plus security updates, plus a
> 2.4.19 kernel image package from the 'unstable' tree.  For your system, the
> package you want is: 
>     kernel-image-2.4.19-itanium-smp_020821.1_ia64.deb

I noted the commands I went through to do a similar update in this


In a nutshell, most of the tuned kernels are initrd kernels.
Therefore they will depend upon several other utilities.  If you are
like me then you probably don't want to update to sid/unstable at this
time.  I needed to install a handful of packages from stable first to
satisify the dependencies.  After installing these then install the
above kernel-image.

  apt-get install ash cramfsprogs initrd-tools modutils


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