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Re: What about this new functionality in DDTSS ?

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 10:48:38PM -0500, Olivier Vitrat wrote:
> I'm using DDTSS to translate package descriptions in french.
> Could it be possible to have a list of partially translated packages ?
> For example, if I've already translated package "xyz", descriptions
> for packages  "xyz-dev", or "xyz-dbg" may only differ by one
> paragraph, and so should  be easy to translate quickly. It  may even
> be reported as an URL such as :
> http://ddtp.debian.net/ddt.cgi?partiallytranslatedpackages=fr

Thanks for your report.

During debconf9's 2nd i18n work session, such a feature has been
discussed, hence the following bug report (against debian-i18n):

BTW, please coordinate with debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org for
translating packages descriptions, there is a workflow for that.


Simon Paillard

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