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shadow package translation updates policy

(about an update for Catalan but this is an opportunity for me to
explain how shadow translations are handled now...for people who might
be suprised by many waiting translation uploads in the BTS...while we
release a version of the Debian package about every two weeks)

Tomasz Kłoczko wrote in the Debian shadow package BTS:

> > Please add the following ca.po to your next upload.
> [..]
> Commited to CVS source tree.

So, to be precise, the new translations won't be added to the next
upload of the shadow package but indeed to the next upstream version,
CVS above being the upstream code CVS (Tomasz Kłoczko  is the
upstream maintainer of shadow).

To avoid patch management complexity, we currently do not update
programs translations in Debian uploads but rather wait for upstream

So, in short, all pending translation fixes for shadow will be fixed
when upstream will release shadow 4.0.15....and we will upload
4.0.15-1 in Debian.

We will keep this policy as long as we can make new upstream versions
enter unstable, ie as long as the Debian base system is not frozen for
etch release (which is scheduled for the last 3-4 months of 2006).

When the etch freeze begins, then we will point translators to the
versions of their PO files that are in the upstream version which
will be released along with etch and, then, we will include
translation updates as Debian patches temporarily.

The resynchronization with upstream will then occur after etch
release. We will probably continue maintaining new upstream version in

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