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Re: Translation coordination robot, who?

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On 12/26/2005 09:03 PM, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> I'm setting up the translation coordination robot for the spanish team,
> since the server were it was set up previously (asgard) no longer works.
> I was wondering which translation teams are using that coordination robot,
> I'm currently aware of, at least:
> - Catalan team, available at http://ca.debian.net/
>  (in CC:)
> - Spanish team, available at http://www.debian.org.es/cgi-bin/l10n.cgi?team=es
> - French team, uses the pseudo-url format but is there a web interface?

	Brazilian Portuguese Team and a couple of others. You should check
this site: http://people.debian.org/~bertol/

	I know that dutch team uses the pseudo-urls system, but I'm afraid
that they are not integrated in bertol reports.

> It would be interesting to have all the code of the translation coordination
> robot somewhere. I would like i18n teams to forward me their code (if they
> are using it) so I can put together a common release that we could publish at
> Alioth.

	I sent a mail to bertol and ask him to add pt team (which for now is
pt_BR, we are looking to split it really soon). I did that because I found
out that a lot of teams are integrated in his statistics. (And now pt team
- - formerly pt_BR - is integrated).

> On the other hand, which translation teams would be willing to use the
> translation robot themselves and currently don't have the means to set it up
> themselves? Would it be useful to have a common infraestructure for that?

	Yes! It is! :)  The dl10n project on alioth is the perfect place
to get all the codes integrated and also to send back the contributions.
Considering the recent discussions of the common framework is also a good
reference to future work.

	I talked with Bertol about integrating the changes (specially the
- -html bot) and I hope we get that integrated soon.  We also have some
other bots flying around, if I'm not wrong, the dutch bot uses MySQL and
PHP to deliver reports.

	Hope it helps, kind regards,

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
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