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Re: Translation of Policy

onsdag 02 november 2005, 00:01, skrev Jutta Wrage:

> The english word policy in "documentation policy"  means "rules",
> "guidelines" or "principles" and not plan or action agreed or chosen
> by a political party. So the German word "Politik" and similar words
> in other languages are wrong translations.

The nb team usually translates to "praksis" - where the context makes it
clear that it is "the usual, agreed-upon, way we do things". I don't know 
whether Praxis carries the same connotation in German :-) 

Guidelines - retningslinjer - is often too heavy language, but "rules" could 
certainly be used as long as it is clear who it is that makes the rules, i.e. 
the user makes the rules for  whether pop-ups are allowed in his web browser, 
while the community makes most of the rules for communication between 
computers - usually. 


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