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newbie problem


I'm a newbie trying to install the hurd, i read the install guide and the mail 
archives of the last months and I have the idea that i understand them.

My general problem is that the native-install script hangs at a certain point, 
it gives no error message and it really hangs (i let it alone for a night and 
in the morning it was the same). The first time I run it it hangs at the 
lines: "
 settrans ttypo /hurd/term /dev/ttypo
 pty-slave /dev/ptypo
 settrans -cg ptypp "
I tried several releases and both the old (serverboot.gz)  and new  (module 
/hurd/ext2fs.static ...) boot sequence. Still the problem is very consequent. 
When i reboot and run the script again -just being stubborn- it starts 
installing packages but most of the time hangs at the ext2 progs package.

At this moment i use the 20020523 tarbal on a 500 mb partition. There occurs 
one error at boot time saying that ext2fs.static encountered a bad block or 
something of the like, but this does not seem to bug the system (root is 
mounted correctly etc).
Also i looked into the irq's and according to my redhat install there is one 
shared irq between usb and the mother bord chipset. Though i reckon hurd 
wouldn't boot at all if this was a problem - also i dont use any usb devices.

I would be very happy if someone could hint me towards a sollution,

Jaap Karssenberg

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