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Re: Hurd information

Dan Bylund <tiberius@solace.mh.se> writes:

> When I try to install .deb files from the sid dist, I just complains on
> files (libc versions for example) that dosen't even exist there.

We know about this problem in principle. The scenario is that package
A depends on package B , but package B is called B1 on the Hurd, so A
will complain. In many cases B1 provides all (or most) functionality
of B, and we can just tell the package tools about that (the
"provides" field). Unfortunately this works for a simple dependency,
but not for a "versioned" one (where A says that it depends on a
version of B >= X). Therefore, all packages declaring a versioned
dependency on a package that is called differently on the Hurd will

Prominent examples are packages depending on libc6 (>= x.y.z). The C
library is called libc0.2 here, and the above applies.

A general solution to the problem (e.g. extending the packaging tools)
is not yet implemented or even decided upon.

Our current workaround is providing dummy packages to satisfy those
dependencies. These are visible when you have alpha.gnu.org in your
sources.list. You can help implementing this band-aid by reporting
which dummies are still needed. Just post here what dependencies you
found unfulfilled.

> And apt-get crashes, complains about the Packages file .. 
> Don't know if that is a good version of apt-get, found it on alpha.gnu.org.

It's the best we have ..., and yes, apt is prone to crashing the Hurd.
No fix (or even a good problem analysis) is known to me.

After a crash, apt's cache is often hosed. "apt-cache gencaches" or
"apt-get update" should succeed in rebuilding it.

> I have search around the web, but allmost I just find outdated files/docs
> about it.

Debian is quite well documented, and many things apply equally to the
Hurd port. Debian GNU/Hurd is not so well documented, you're right. I
don't have all things available in mind, some starting points are

> I have search the mailinglists, but I have problaby missed all good stuff
> that has been asked here before, I'm not problaby the first one :-)

The archives of this list are also a good source of information,
sometimes just browsing the monthly overview helps you finding good
info (debian-hurd is not so high in volume). BTW I've found that
putting your query into google (with "debian-hurd
site:lists.debian.org" appended) often works better than the search
page on lists.debian.org.


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