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Re: NCFTP package

On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 04:29:57PM +0200, Per Lundberg wrote:
> I just compiled NCFTP under the Hurd. It required no patching whatsoever;
> the source in unstable compiled smoothly. It seems to function perfectly
> (I've just tested it quickly, but file transfers worked fine. :)

Great, I added to my lsit of very clean packages, which is now:

ae (962-23.1),          an (0.93-1.1),          bc (1.05a-4),
bison (1.25.90-2),      bzip2 (0.9.0c-2),       cvs (1.10.4-1),
db (2.4.14),            diff (2.7-18),          diffstat (1.27-1),
ed (0.2-17),            flex (2.5.4a-4),        grep (2.3-2),
groff (1.11a-7.1),      gzip (1.2.4-29),        inetutils (1.3.2-4),
jed (0.98.7-14),        less (332-4.1),         libglib (1.2),
libident (0.21-7),      libpng (1.0.2b-0.1),    lynx (2.8.1-7),
make (3.77-6),          mawk (1.3.3-2),         minicom (1.82-3),
mpack (1.5-5),          ncftp,                  pcre2 (2.05-1),
pinfo,                  procmail (3.10.7-7),    sed (3.02-1),
sharutils (4.2-9),      svgalib-dummy (1.2.13-2),tar (1.12-7),
wget (1.5.3-1.1)

It's not complete, because I add packages since only a few weeks as
I test them (or get reports). If you know more, let me know.

BTW, here is another list:

Packages which require only a patch which is in the BTS:

cpio (2.4.2-24, #37164),        debianutils (1.11, #39126),
exim (2.11-3),                  file (3.26-1, #37705),
fortune-mod (9708-10, #37091),  jade (1.2.1-4, #38518),
libpaperg (1.0.3-12.1, #39036), man-db (2.3.10-69f, #39039),
> Marcus, shall I make a package of this and upload to master? Can packages
> be signed natively? And so on..

Of course you should upload this, and making it available to all of us!

Yes, you can sign natively. Install the pgp package prepared by Santiago
(find it on non-US). Install it and copy your ~/.pgp directory to the Hurd.

You can build the package just as under Linux with the following command.
Both options are mandatory:

dpkg-buildpackage -B "-mPer LundBerg <email@domain.net>"

...where   ^^^^^^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is your Debian maintainer email
adresse (the one which is also used in the Maintainer: field, by pgp and so

This will make sure that the *changes file contains your name instead the
maintainers name. It will also only build the architecture specific packages
from the source. Then you should take a look at the changes file if it says
"architecture: hurd-i386" and nothing else. Also, the package name should be
correct. Then you can use ncftp to upload it :)

Also, please take a look at the dependencies if they look sane before
uploading it.


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org     master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/       PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

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