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standalone distribution of `mig' tool for building Hurd

I have whipped up an automakified standalone distribution of `mig',
the Mach Interface Generator tool formerly included in the GNUmach 
distribution.  It's available at:


You need this tool to build the Hurd.  This standalone distribution is easy
to build as a cross-tool, without worrying about all the hair involved in
getting the GNUmach distribution to build right.

It should be pretty obvious out of the box what to do.  Once the mig tool
is installed, the hurd's configure should find it and be happy.

If you have problems with this distribution, please report them to

Future GNUmach distributions will omit mig, since it's now in this separate
distribution.  We have no immediate plans to make a new GNUmach release
just for that, however.


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