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Re: ppp

> The LSMers said let there be ppp.  And there was:
> 	ftp://walfield.org/pub/people/neal/ppp/ppp-latest.tar.gz

There is now a new version -- same location.  I went ahead and
downloaded the latest version of the upstream packages (ppp-010718) and
was about to merge my changes in when I realized that the port had
originally been done completely wrong -- all that was done was cut out
code rather than make a few small changes.  I therefore redid the entire
thing.  It is 100% ported to GNU/Hurd, 90% to GNU/Linux (it does not
automatically setup the tunnel interface nor do we do routing or arp).

When I saw ported, I mean that I see the same behavior on GNU/Hurd and
GNU/Linux minus things we do not (yet) support.  Which implies, there are
a few upstream bugs and I hope to merge in the new code.  Yes, I just
checked, he released something today.  I will merge this is and finish
off the Linux stuff.  Then I will submit it upstream.

Ok.  Show me your appreciation and tell me that it works and what does

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