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F3 on the way/main archive

As you all know, F3 is being prepared and will be soon on the way.
I've been talking with Philip about the 'selections' made to put packages
under the CDs and offering some help, if needed.
Anyway, this e-mail is about three basic suggestions that i have to offer to
the creation of the Cds and to the Hurd community.

1. Inclusion of ghhk into a package
Reason: Ghhk is a tool used to cross-compile Hurd packages. Actually it's a
hacking toolkit to cross-compile. Probably it won't be much useful after the
Hurd 1.0 is released, but until then it can be much of a help.

2. Sources
Reason: I still don't understand why source codes aren't distributed under
the CDs. Probably because it's very big, changed very offen and woundn't be
much of a help. Nevertheless I think that Gnu/mach (and other basic) source
codes should be included on the this distribution. It's very small (from a
CD-ROM point of view) and also very important to Hurd development. It could
be like a package with the whole content of GNU/mach CVS archive.

3. ls
Reason: Another thing that i haven't found on the Hurd distributions it's
the common 'CD file/directory listing'. At least when i'm downloading a
Debian GNU/Linux .ISO image there is always a file listing the whole CD-ROM.

As you all can see, i'm thinking with a 'programmer point of view', since
the Hurd is not 'ready' yet. I can be mistaken, and poiting out suggestions
that won't fit into the real purpose of the CDs. Anyway, i think it's worth
a value to discuss my ideas.

Please comment upon my message and let me view some results...
'The exchange of idea is the most important thing'.

Leonardo Custodio
<<+ Debian Linux: Resistance is futile! +>>
<<+ "The darker side of C++" +>>
<<+ e-mail: coldwater@uol.com.br +>>

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