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Re: HURD & LINUX Compatibility

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 00:35:19 +0200, Roberto Sobachi <robyegiuly@libero.it> wrote:
> I can select from lilo if I want start linux-kernel 2.2.18 or 2.4.5.
> I would select from linux and Hurd. Is it possible?

lilo is a crappy bootloader and it's not able to run GNU (Hurd), you need to install Grub to do it.
Grub is able to boot GNU/Linux, GNU (Hurd), BSD, windoze and lots of systems.

Beware actual 'stable' version of Grub has an important bug waiting to be solved.
Check http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=102811&repeatmerged=yes
for more info.

I suggest you either wait untill the bug is solved or get the upstream sources from http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/
and install them yourself.

> How can I do?
> Where I can find Hurd kernel image?

you can't just put the kernel image there, you need to install GNU (Hurd) from scratch like if it was a different distro,
see http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/ for installing information.


Robert Millan                Debian GNU user
zeratul2 wanadoo es    http://getyouriso.org/

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