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I have just upgraded my old hurd installation by using the F2 main CD.
I used the opportunity of having my laptop on a network to also
donwload the latest versions of oskit and gnumach (haven't found
oskit-mach yet).
Crosscompiling gnumach worked nicely, though I haven't yet checked
with the latest release.
I've been playing happily with oskit for about 1 year now.
It seems that there is a lot of interest in switching from gnumach
to oskit-mach. The latest oskit release mentions that some of its
kernels can only run on >586 CPUs (something about a timer internal
to >586 that is required. Is there a watchdog on the 586 ?). Does
that mean that oskit-mach and hence the hurd would require a 586 to
run ? I would see this as a major limitation :(

Also, I just noticed on 
that octave does not seem to have been compiled for the hurd. As
this is the software I use most often, I think I'll give it a try if 
it hasn't been done yet.

Jean-Michel FRIEDT

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