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Re: zaurus-debian questions

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:45:01PM -0500, wayne@mercs.net wrote:
> I've been using the latest zaurus-debian and wondered if anybody else had
> tried to use keypebble to view the Xvnc session.  All I get is a black
> screen that draws garbage where the text should be when I try "ls" in an
> open window.  I haven't been able to find any relevant settings in
> keypebble.

Keypebble is IMHO too slow and rather broken...

By the way, I've hacked the xf4vnc server and fbvnc client to use a
shared memory region for the pixmap, this completely avoids the need to
push pixels through the TCP socket, and makes it as fast as a local
(unaccelerated) X server.  I have zero time to work on it, but I can post
the patches here if anyone is interested.

> Second, is there any reason to use chroot instead of pivot_root?  I would
> like to be able to get to the qpe files under debian but I wasn't sure if
> there was some major issue with pivot_root that I was not aware.

chroot was just easier to set up - you have to be a bit careful with
handling the sdmmc module needed to talk to then new root drive.

I am running a pivot_root setup on my C750, the files I used are in

The init script (called instead of /sbin/init from the kernel) is
appended. It took me some head scratching to figure out how to do a read
with timeout in plain /bin/sh :-)

> Third, I think I'm missing something obvious with the wireless networking. 
> I am fine using my Zonet card under qpe and it shows up under "cardctl
> status" in debian but I can't convince it to take an IP.   
> # ifconfig
> error fetching interface information: Device not found
> #

Wireless configuration is a bit of a mess, with the incompatible wlan and
wlanng drivers and tools. I don't understand it myself so I can't help
you there :-(


Attachment: debian-init.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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