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section in the gnome/freedesktop menu

Tonight I was updating the gpredict package and lintian informed me that
my .desktop file section "Applications;Hamradio" was no longer valid.

The current desktop file specification at

defines very few top level application types: audio, video, (software)
development, education, game, graphics, network, office, settings,
system and utility.

Then there is a set of additional categories and suggested related
categories. HamRadio is in the additional categories, being related to
the high-level network and audio categories. Clearly gpredict doesn't
fit with either of those.

(Digression; math and science suggest Education as their major category
which is wrong given that those do have applications in industry too eg
in engineering.)

I put gpredict in Education;HamRadio for lack of a better choice. I
don't know if Debian (or rather GNOME) is using the additional 
categories at all but I suspect that ham radio applications will be
scattered throughout the menu due to their differing major categories.
Applications like gmfsk probably do belong in network or audio - but

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

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