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RFC: shipping a default gtkrc

As it was recently suggested (sorry, I can't remember by whom), it is
possible to ship a default configuration for GTK+ applications
in /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc, that could look like this:

        gtk-theme-name = "Clearlooks"
        gtk-icon-theme-name = "gnome"

When gtk2-engines and gnome-icon-theme are not installed, these settings
will be silently ignored. Otherwise, they will be used by applications
run outside a GNOME/XFCE session. They will also be overriden by
*-settings-daemon, so this really looks harmless.

What makes it useful is:
      * that GTK+ applications should benefit of a better default look,
        even when run outside GNOME;
      * that some GNOME applications, like epiphany and evolution, make
        assumptions of what icons are available in the default icon
        theme, enforced by a dependency on gnome-icon-theme, but when
        they are run outside GNOME, the default icon theme is hicolor
        and they won't benefit of it.

Does anyone oppose to such a change?
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