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Re: debian experimental == ubuntu hoary?

<quote who="Anand Kumria">

> To me a GNOME release is a "we believe these packages work well together".
> I don't think it should necessitate them being packaged / uploaded all at
> once.

There's a long pre-GNOME-team history of piecemeal upgrades being total
disasters, strongly discouraged by upstream, without the maintainer showing
an inkling of concern. The current Debian GNOME Team strategy of assembling
in experimental and then folding a complete upgrade into unstable has been
far and away more successful than any previous, less disciplined, upgrades.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2005: Canberra, Australia                http://linux.conf.au/
    "I can't imagine anyone telling Emma Bunton to shut up. It would be
                        rather like slapping Bambi."

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