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Grey Industrial


a recent upgrade gave me a grey version of Industrial. I really liked it.
Why is it gone? Bug? Experiment? Since Gnome does not support different
color-schemes (which is a good thing in my oppinion. I never used them in
KDE because 99% where UGLY with the selected theme), a few (not more than
2-3) high quality color schemes for the few really good themes (industrial,
bluecurve, gorilla) would be nice (Like fedoras bluecurve combinations). At
least better then sipping ugly themes-I don't want to offend someone, but
Amaranth and SmokeyBlue are hopefully not shipped by default. 

If you don't want a "Industrial" and a "Industrial Grey" in the theme
preferences, could some one tell me, where i can get the old gtkrc file?

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